Our sincere greetings are extended to all our faithful members, partners, friends and visitors. It is our pleasure to welcome you to Restoration Fellowship Online. It is a joy to share with you the celebrated Word of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. At Restoration Fellowship we live in a constant expectation of the next move of God. We believe in much prayer and seeking God for wisdom and knowledge, worship and praise for who He is, and exaltation for what He has, is, and will do for us. We are led by the Spirit of God to provide all with the opportunity to experience His word corporately and individually under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Believing that God is ready to bring a spiritual awakening and a time of refreshing to us, we have to put ourselves in a position to receive this release. We stand firm on the fact that the destiny and success of our nation depends on those of us who seek God for our leaders and those in authority as God’s word demands. Even for our own destiny and our family’s depend upon us seeking God with all our hearts. So as you browse this site our pray is that you will be blessed and encourage in your walk with Christ.
…Remembering always to open our hearts to hear His word.
Serving Christ in Sincerity,
Dr. Roxanne Haynes & Restoration Fellowship Family