Our Team

Bishop Roxanne Haynes

Our Pastor

Rev. Dr. Roxanne Haynes was saved at a very young age and has continued in the work of the Lord ever since. Dr. Haynes has been preaching the Gospel for over thirty years in many countries across the globe.

Alongside the late Bishop Christopher P.L. Haynes, Dr. Haynes served as co-pastor of many congregations across the Caribbean. They planted a number of churches, established many in the faith, and mentored a number of young men and women in their call to ministry. Bishop and Dr. Haynes founded Intercession and Restoration Ministries, Restoration Life Fellowship New Jersey and Restoration Fellowship Bermuda, where she presently serves as Senior Pastor.

Dr. Haynes has a passion for evangelism and ministers at revivals, seminars and workshops. She speaks both nationally and internationally at crusades, conferences and conventions. She is an awesome teacher of the Word of God.

There is a powerful anointing on her life as she ministers the word of God. The demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power manifests in many ways but is particularly evident in the prophetic, miracle and deliverance ministries. Dr. Haynes believes in living a holy life and walking circumspectly before the Lord. She is a true servant of God with an incredible anointing on her life.

Dr. Haynes believes in family. She was married for over thirty-four years and successfully parented four daughters who actively support her in executing the work of the Lord.

Dr. Haynes’ daily declaration and favorite scripture is II Corinthians 2:14 “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere”.

Ministry Team

Elder Lynda Augustus

Elder Regina Fleming

Elder Celena Haynes

Elder Ivor Minors

Elder Marion Minors

Elder Lisa Osborne


Elder Mackinnion Pearman


Elder Lee Todd


Elder Pam Wainwright


Deaconess Angria Bassett


Deaconess Lorian Bassett


Deacon Ramon Brangman


Deacon Christopher Grant


Deacon Altonio Roberts


Deaconess Sharon Wilson